Bravado | Our Settlement

After the Hiway War rendered the former settlement of Bravo to black ash, a caldera of mud and radiation slowly filling with toxic sludge, a new refuge emerged north of the former oil fields as the exodus of survivors sought a new home.  After the war, a new force of order emerged in the Wastes, a testament to the hard work and brutal determination of the people, newly formed into the San Saba Territories.  In the middle of it all, a small settlement  grew despite the ravages of raiders, zed, and strange creatures from the ruins below the town.

Map of the Township of Bravado, by Aesa Garcia

Our settlement is situated north of the City of Light and Sound, the metropolis known as Essex, and south of the capital of the Territories in the flying city of Waking. The tiny town, known as Bravado, is a forgotten stop on the Oxline, the iron-wrought train system of the Railroad Conglomerate.  The Railroad Conglomerate (or RRC), is a sprawling faction of commerce and industry that seeks to continue their domination of the San Saba wastes by expanding their rail network. For them, Bravado is but one more dot on a map, outlining the path of glory stretching across the San Saba Territories like veins in the beating heart of the Lone Star, connecting every settlement in the area together once more whether they like it or not.

The township itself is hardly more than a few buildings, a Post Office, workhouses, and some permanent tent installations, hastily built and poorly maintained.  A General Store, owned and maintained by the Railroad Conglomerate, sits ramshackle at its center, across from the Oxline Depot.  The town was ignored in the recent expansion of the Oxline, but still offers a promise of food and bed for those willing to work in the ruins under the city.  Those that risk the undead in the tunnels below help scavenge scrap and valuable material to send up the line to Essex and Waking. But now, with the discovery of a lost city in the Dune Sea to the west and an western expansion of the Oxline towards the Broken Coast of El Dorado, the tiny town of Bravado has become relevant again. 

With the passion of someone that knows a valuable secret, Felicity Redfield, a disgraced but resourceful member of the RRC, has maneuvered their way into the title of the new Foreman of Bravado, laying exclusive claim to the exploration into the ruins under the town and the treasures within. Following the last words of the inhabitants of Barogue, Felicity believes a cryptic message to seek out the dwelling of the last cradle, the last bastion of bravery, forgotten and ignored can only refer to the sleepy town of Bravado.  A veritable wave of prospectors, Jones, and treasure hunters has flocked to the town following a sense of adventure and a desire for fortune and glory.

Amongst the tarnished and venerated past mingles a bright and terrifying future.  Here in the bustling boomtown of Bravado, Dusters step from the shrieking cars of the Oxline, and set their hopeful, dejected, or assessing eyes on this piece of territory for which so many souls have lived, fought, loved, and died. Our settlement lies on the precipice of significance, and only you can tell the story of what happens next.

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Bravado: Terminal Station
