Work Orders

Each game, the various factions of Bravado will offer Work Orders to members of their faction and their Contractors.  A Work Order will be printed on a sheet of paper and have a series of thematic tasks that must be completed for that faction.  These are designed to be accomplished during the game and some tasks may be more challenging than others by requiring the use of certain Skills and Profession Focus Achievements. Successful completion of these tasks will earn a reward appropriate to your Society Membership level from the Public Works.

ANY character may complete a Work Order, and they can be completed by non-local players that are traveling, new players, or local and returning players.

There are three types of Work Orders:  Contractor Work Orders, Settlement Work Orders, and Supply Orders.


A Contractor Work Order allows you to gain Basic Society Membership with a faction and earn a signing bonus unique to the tasks you complete.

  • Contractor Work Orders are the primary means to join a faction for the first time.  Any player can request one of these during Check-In or from the Public Works, similar to starter weapons.  Each one will have tasks that reinforce behaviors of the Dystopia Rising game, from combat, economy, CvC, and role play. You can complete one of these per game per character, so it will take multiple games to join additional factions.

Settlement Work Orders

  • Settlement Work Orders are a bit of an Out of Character mechanic where the Staff hires you in character to do tasks around the site. This might be something like refilling water and ice for the NPCs in Ops, or checking for garbage and trash around a common gathering area. These will be posted by the General Store (Kiva), and will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. When you complete these tasks you and the folks that help you with the task will get Brass and even a bonus reward of CAPS for your trouble!

Supply Orders

  • Supply Orders are designed to both promote independent Economic game play and promote tying economic activities into the larger plot. These will be posted at the General Store (Kiva) or distributed by various NPC agents.

    • Supply Orders can be posted in game or enter play with an NPC.

    • Supply Orders will come with a set of Supply Chits for each item on the Supply Order.

    • To work on filling an item off the Supply Order take the matching Supply Chit for the item.

    • Take the Supply Chit to the post office along with either an existing item card or proof of your work to create the item.  Once verified by the post office you will receive the listed reward.

    • Be courteous and only take more than one Supply Chit at a time if you have existing cards on hand to fill all of them.

    • Variants of the Supply Order trafficked by the underworld and those with criminal influence or requiring contraband or illegal items to be collected are sometimes called Criminal Work Orders.