There are different ways of feeling "not good" in a LARP. You might be feeling bad physically or emotionally for reasons perhaps not even related to the LARP. 

Your character might be in a situation that the player does not care to engage in but is still in because of politeness, or because it happened gradually and the player never stopped to consider how they were feeling when the situation changed around the character. It doesn't matter whether the subject matter of the conversation, intensity, or emotions involved leave you feeling like you don't want to be a part of the scene, you as a player control your comfort level and we want to provide you with the tools to do so.

The OK Check In System can be initiated either as a question or with a response. Below, we'll walk you through an example of one Player checking in on another Player, but please understand that at any time you are encouraged to provide a response without being prompted to let the other Players in the scene know your comfort level.



A quiet scene with another Player has turned into a heated argument. You notice that the Player you're interacting with does not look comfortable and you are not sure if that is their Character or the Player. Being mindful and not wanting to make assumptions, you rightfully decide to check in.

- Make the OK Symbol against your chest.


The other player responds in one of three ways. 

  • Thumbs Up - The Player is letting you know that this is in Character and they're comfortable continuing.

  • A Level Hand - Unsure. It is easiest to assume that this response is a Thumbs Down.

  • Thumbs Down - The Player is letting you know that they are not comfortable continuing.



If a Player responds with a level hand or a thumbs down, the best course of action is to end the scene and respect their boundaries. It is absolutely encouraged to ask the Player if they'd like to go for a walk and talk through the situation or if they would like space. Please respect the wishes of the Player in that moment and give them what they need. You should only proceed if both sides have given their enthusiastic consent.

If you feel like the situation was not resolved and you want to check in, speak to your Directors to help you find comfort as well.