The Flotilla

Alleged ships and captains of the Junkerpunk fleet:

The Hangman's Daughter Captain Silvio Fa'tal

The Broken Ankle Captain Astora “The Saltwater Sweetheart”

Bleak Horizon Black Sam Bellamy

Woe of Tyrants Oil Derrick

Weatherlight Jhora Capashen

Drowned Whale Sisay the Flag Hoarder

Bachelor's Delight Sir Edward the Tall

Mourning Star The Cardinal of Cobalt

The Unkindness Captain Ursula Blackbeak

The Devil's Deceit Captain Ilmryn Stormbringer

The HighWind Captain A. CID

Merry-Go-Round Captain Moogi of the Wara Clan

Indefatigable Captain Gloriana

Moistened Maiden Captain "Moss beard"

The Goliath Cray-fysh

Poumon Noir Captain Beckens

Black Hull Son Captain Paps McNosh

The Rusty Thot Captain Thurston LaRue

The Prismatic Cascade Captain Roy G. Bivs of the Rainbow Chaser Clan

Still Floating Majik-Truss N. Pixi-Duss

SS Fungus Among Us Captain Flag Mingo

The Shrike Captain Jefferson Tallpipe

Malevolence Captain Russo Sakima

The Golden Gin Captain Tam tam

and last, but not least

SS Battle Snax, primarily engaging in Jonesing/excavation with equipment of questionable safety under Captain Beaudreaux Percival Oilspill

Lost Ships

May their souls rest in the depths below:

Thirsty Deertick Captain Hamburg Lost at Sea - All Souls Lost

The Rapparee Captain Manglin’ Mary Foundered in Heavy Weather - All Souls Lost

New Horizon Captain Ursula Assumed Lost

Wyndham Captain Rob Silvertooth Lost at Sea - All Souls Lost

Neptune's Scream Captain Calico Cathy Scuttled and Salvaged

The Proud Mary Queen Fogerty Scuttled and Salvaged to sail again another day