Lineages & Strains

Suggestions and guidelines for what to play in our chapter…


Common Strains

Any player may create a character of the following strains without prior approval. You may choose to submit a background for these characters, but it is optional.

Townie | Baywalker, Yorker, Vegasian

Mutant | Remnant, Retrograde, Tainted

Landsman | Merican, Natural One

Nomad | Diesel Jock, Rover

Devoted | Accensorite

Evolved | Irons

Setting Specific Strains

The following strains are able to be played once the player has submitted a background application. We highly encourage tying characters of these strains to the suggested local faction to receive enhanced role play opportunities and setting information, though they are not required to be currently affiliated with that faction in play.

If you are already in play with a character of one of these strains then you are welcome to also opt-in to a backstory involving these factions over the timeskip, but it is not required.


Elitariat | Digitarian, Pureblood, Solestros

Elitariats are heavily encouraged to have backstory ties to the Railroad Conglomerate or the floating city of Waking Prime.

Nomad | Salt Wise

Devoted | Red Star

Salt Wise and Red Stars are heavily encouraged to have some form of background tie to the Junkerpunks faction or the nearby settlement of Drywater.


Gorger | Full Dead

Devoted | Unborn

Unborn and Full Dead are encouraged to have connections to the Grave Council, or the southern Dead Marches where the Council first immigrated from.

Gorger | Lascarian

Lascarians are encouraged to have some form of background tie to the San Saba Republic, or the caverns of the Torchlights or the Inner Space Caverns.


Landsman | Quiet Folk

Most Quiet Folk in the area are tied into the Lovelace Family in some way, or the northern settlement of Widow’s Peak.

Evolved | Unstable

Unstable are encouraged to submit an origin backstory tying them to the Railroad Conglomerate or Prudence Penitentiary, due to a long history of experimentation by unethical scientists on the strain.


Gorger | Semper Mort

Evolved | Reclaimers

These strains are rare in the Lone Star, and we would like to have a dialogue with anyone wanting to play these strains to formulate your unique backstory. Many Semper Morts were released from underground cryo-tubes in the mysterious facility beneath Bravado, and often have unique local experiences.

So please submit a background application and we will start that conversation with you!