Stories of Note (Season 5)

Below are several “metaplot” stories that will be points of interest throughout our fifth season. These stories will take place over the entire season and will advance the narrative of the greater Lone Star as a whole and allow players to have agency in what happens next.

The War of antlers

The Oxkiller’s aggression has reached new heights, and the Board has declared open war on the enemy faction. The enemy forces of the Oxkiller Alliance, the remnants of the Okiller and Antler Tribes that left after the death of Queen Jasper, have claimed the territory of Star City and Fort Worthless as part of a new OXKILLER TERRITORY. This new faction is at war with the San Saba, and plans on using their superior military might to undermine the San Saba Board. Thankfully, the town elected to fund a new militia to match this threat, and the Board has named anyone that helps the Oxkiller Alliance a traitor in an emergency wartime change to the San Saba Charter.

  • During this season, you can freely kill Oxkiller Alliance enemies without worrying about being sentenced to a Gauntlet for murder or theft.

the corpse of waking prime

The once mighty skyship was crash landed near the city, causing massive ecological devastation in the process. While the surface city is mostly intact, the interior decks of the ship remain dangerously irradiated. The town has cordoned off the radioactive approach to the airship into the new Waking Exclusion Zone. The husk of the massive city lies atop the land of New Bravado and Drywater. It’s leaching runoff and radiation into the water, and the land. It’s Mortis system bucks and writhes against being absorbed into the terrestrial mortis of the area, causing waves of psionic energy outward in uncontrolled bursts. The environment is heavily damaged, and much work must be done to stem even more loss of life, and to restore the land to its previous state… if Bravado even can.

  • Zuni has become our new NPC land. The entire area is severely radioactive and should be avoided in-character. Players may not enter this area unless on a mod, as they will quickly die from lethal exposure to radiation.

the obelisks of the prince undying

The mysterious Obelisks of the Prince Undying have quieted for now, but Lake Bravo is still boiling. Folks did something in Barogue to slow down the crisis of these strange monoliths that awoke over the summer all around the San Saba, but it didn’t fix everything. There’s something different about the strange white obelisk in the center of the lake, and its still wrecking havoc on Drywater, the Junkerpunks and anything that lives near or on the water. Plus, the Prince Undying is still missing after the nightmarish escape from Barogue. Where did he go, and what is he up to now?

  • Sailing mods this season will involve new threats, new enemies, and the Junkerpunk faction will have several penalties to their financial influence during the season.

  • Shards of the Red Crown are a new limited currency item introduced for this season. This item is an Illustrated Item Card, and will have several different uses over the season.

  • A new keyword “Attuned to Nightmares” has been added to our Local Rules.

vacuum of power

Waking fell and the Board was bloodied.  The major families of Waking now have a vested interest in the politics of the San Saba, and have begun to maneuver themselves into a place of power - taking over one of the RRC’s seats on the Board, vacated by the late Dr. Stewart. Within the disaster the RRC, the Board, and the City will have to spend resources, time, and money to recover from the blow, allowing openings to outside enemies like the Oxkiller Alliance, the Prince Undying, and any other scavengers with an eye for opportunity and a hefty enough ambition. The Board MUST assert their dominance and authority swiftly, and brutally, to maintain their foothold as the Leader of the San Saba.

  • The seat of the San Saba Board is now directly involved in the future of Bravado.