Inventory Update!

Hello Bravaderos, travelers, and friends! Hope your holiday time is proceeding in a LIT fashion! Your local DRTX winter minions have been hard at work in the Lovelace Workshops to bring you lovely gift deliveries! Which is to say, that DR: Texas has completed the transfer of your virtual event logs to the new inventory system!

You should see more tabs in your Player Editor now. To get there, click the Pencil Icon just below your name. For more info about how to access your inventory tab on the database with screenshots, check out this post here!


I'm missing something/have the wrong thing/it's on the wrong character!

This is possible, even probable! If you see an error, it is either that we made a mistake, weren't sure what character you wanted each item on when you earned it, or had to put something as a place holder for non-specified blueprints and named scrap/herb. In all of these instances, please email us at and let us know what the issue is. Where we chose something random, we can trade it out for a similar level of item (blueprint or named scrap/herb) no problem.

I didn't fill out the Cali*co Caravan Points (CCP) Form!

CCP were earned for participation in online event roleplay and mods for events which you were a ticket holder for. If you were present for an event but just neglected to fill out the form in a timely fashion, then email us at and we'll work with you to sort it out!

When do I need to do this by?

What an EXCELLENT question! I need you all to look at your inventory and check it for errors/completeness by DECEMBER 31st. We would like to logistically enter the new year with everything settled and ready to go so we can minimize future time spent on inventory and maximize time spent telling cool stories.

Will we be able to craft at future DRTX games now that there's a standardized inventory system?

This is definitely something your local logistics coordinator is working to allow to happen at future DRTX hosted events! Stay tuned for information about these mechanics as we get closer to our 2021 event dates. We are currently planning on running our next virtual event sometime in February 2021.

I’m missing something I earned at another chapter!

Each chapter used a different format for virtual events. Because DRTX used the Caravan Points system, we frankly had a quick go converting your stuff to the inventory system. Other chapters are committed to finishing theirs within 6 months. Please be patient and contact them if you need something in a hurry, but I am sure they’re getting to it as fast as they can. We cannot assign to your inventory loot earned in other chapters.

I need to learn a skill!

If you want to spend XP on a skill and have not already emailed us or put it on your CCP form, we can do that. The only exception is that we prefer to confer PFAs with adequate roleplay fostered during a live event. Please start a dialogue with staff if you feel you have met this requirement.

Can I back buy events?

You can back buy extra XP for events you were a ticket holder for, and local events for your home chapter. If you would like to back buy a DR:TX event, just email us and we can let you know what you have available to back buy, and send you an invoice for it all together.

What are the transaction rates for Caravan Points again?

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.

I have an advanced membership, does it matter what character my items are on?

It is much better to make those decisions now. If you want to be able to trade and craft in the virtual space, you need to pick what character has what items. It is not possible to trade between alts.