DR: TeXas admin Team roles

The Dystopia Rising Larp Network is a network of independently owned businesses that run live events under a shared Dystopia Rising narrative. Each individual branch with the DR Network is its own business with its own local owners who are accountable for following the guidelines of the DR Network as well as local legal guidelines while servicing their local community. Each branch maintains a team of employees and volunteers, both on-site and off, to execute each event. The team on the ground in each location ensures that the events being run are individual, unique, and tailored to the existing player base.

No one is expected to know every detail and fact about the Dystopia Rising universe to participate in a DR game, but our local game runners are responsible for ensuring their knowledge, skill sets, and community leadership are as honed as possible in order to provide an experience and consistent world lore of the Dystopia Rising universe.

Jonathan Loyd - Owner, Storytelling Director

  • Game Runner, Owner of DR: Texas

  • Oversees Financial and Operation decisions of each chapter and provides support to the Admin team.

  • Oversees the Storytelling Senate and Operational Storyteller. Creates plot documentation and design documents both locally and nationally, handles Conflict Resolution, and New Player Guides.

Amber Cleek - Logistics Director

  • Game Runner, Director of Logistics

  • Oversees Business Administration, Event Management, Player Management, Conflict Resolution, Coord and Safety Guides, Setup Team, and Prop Crafters.

  • Assists with Storytelling and Face NPC roles as needed.

Heather Halstead - Operational Storyteller

  • Helps to manage the Storytelling Senate, enacts and enables Storytelling content, Mechanics and Economy balancing, creates online Rules Rambles and other content, and oversees the Rules Guides.

  • Assists with Storytelling and Face NPC roles as needed.

Ren Lewis - Storytelling Administrative Assistant

  • Oversees Ops organization and setup, Storytelling Senate documentation, Administrative Documentation, Settings Team, and the Groundskeeper Team.

  • Assists with Storytelling and Face NPC roles as needed.

Kiara Everlen - Marketing Coordinator

  • Manages Social Media and Marketing Efforts, Instructs and provides support to Gamerunners and Storytellers to assist in creating engaging material for our social media