October Update


Updated Marshals to reflect changes made since we started the season.
Updated some menus to make it easier to find setting information.
Updated the Town Laws to reflect votes from September.
Added a Marshal Application form under Contact Us which will be up indefinitely.
Removed a bug where players could purchase advanced tickets after the deadline if it was already in their cart.


We’re rethinking how we create content, manage that content, and then schedule it. October is always a bit of a strange event, so we’re going to make it a little stranger by changing how things are organized. This will likely give Marshals more flexibility and autonomy. From a player-side that may look like the event ‘feels’ different. But also its October where we all run around like a Benny Hill cartoon while horror movie fundamentalists try to kill us.

So.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cabin Totes

Cabin Totes arrived and will be available for storing decorations. We have one for each of the major sites - McBride/BFG, Lucky 7, Tent City, Hope’s Edge, Buccs

Threat Update

Removed Diggers from play per Downfall.
Removed Toy Boxes from play per Downfall.