
We have created a digital newsletter! You can receive e-mail updates to our blog, notifications on advanced ticket sales, and all of the other pertinent information you may want to have before (or after) an event. 

Historically we have used Facebook a lot to distribute this information. While we will continue to use Facebook, we want to be able to talk to our player base more directly. We want all of our players to have access to news and updates, not just those who hit Facebook's latest algorithm. 

Last year we started actively using this blog more to communicate with you. We're going to continue to do that. With the addition of a digital newsletter we want to be able to provide you direct notification of events and updates that you may be interested in.

You can sign-up for our newsletter on our home page. You can expect to see the same updates we typically post via Facebook, but with the assurance that you'll be able to actually see it. :)