April Update

Good afternoon, Vados! 

I’m comin’atcha live with a fistful of updates that are pertinent to our first-ever virtual event this weekend (April 11th). We’ve been working diligently to make an experience for our pals locally and across the network that jives with lots of different playstyles. What we do right this time we’ll do right next month. What we do wrong - we’ll work even harder and do it better in May. 

Alright, let’s shotgun these line items like they’re tin cans on the hood of your grandpa's old Lincoln Town Car and we’ve got an anger problem we’re not ready to talk about yet. 

Event Time Table April 2020

Below is our expected cadence of play. We’re going to do our best to be forgiving with one another while we nail down the flow of a virtual event.

CCP point assign rub.png

Crafting in the Virtual Space and Cali*Co Caravan Points 

Our goal this month is bringing our pals a streamlined and authentic DR experience in a virtual space. To that end we’re introducing an Out-Of-Character tool referable in the In-Character space as “Cali*Co Caravan Points”. These are points you get for engaging content and your fellow players throughout the day that can be spent to generate things like items, prints, and story opportunities 

When we return to live game, Cali*Co Caravan Points may be spent at Check-in. If you are not a local DR:TX player, our logistics coordinator can work with you to have those items assigned to your character in the National Database before your next Live Event. 

CCP point assign rub.png

The math breaks down that the maximum number of CCP an individual can earn per event is capped at 30. We’re making the choice to standardize this because we think it is the most elegant and honest way to evoke the generation of resources in a setting/environment where we don’t have the same privilege and resources as when we are running live events. Storytellers are not individually empowered to give you extra CCP - but they are definitely empowered and expected to give you story rewards and consequences that affect the live playspace. <3 

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.

Criminal Influence 

Some LCs will have additional permissions granting them access to shadier domains on the Discord server. If you have at least Basic Criminal Influence on your LC’s sheet - you should be able to see “#cutthroat_alley” as a text/voice channel on the Lonestar Skies Discord. If you can’t - get with Aesa and we’ll swap your permissions to reflect that. 

Alternative and Augmentative Content 

Lonestar Skies 

An immersive text-adventure that bookends (on both ends) the story we’re telling this month in Essex. 

At 8am on Friday we’ll be posting up a reminder that www.idratherbeinbravo.com/lonestarskies is live. We encourage you to explore the town of Essex before the events of the weekend fuck it up real good. 

After the event (10pm SAT) Lonestar Skies will be updated to reflect choices made during the event and the passage of time. Following Game-Off at 10pm - you can find resolution (or absolution) by playing through the concluding chapters of this adventure. 

Encoded Data 

During this virtual event, LCs will be encouraged to locate various instances of ENCODED DATA on behalf of The Scientist. These bits of information will be the pieces of an actual puzzle. The answer to which will grant you (the player and the LC) the opportunity to delve further still into the mysteries of The Fountainhead and...maybe...something even cooler once we head back to Live Game.


The other resource you’ll be interacting with this weekend is BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES. These can also be retrieved on behalf of The Scientist. This resource means something to each of the CC Factions as well and can be spent towards those Factions to help determine the outcome of the weekend. We want you to know about these but wait until we’re in the playspace to really sink your teeth into their implications. 

And Finally…

This is our first virtual event, friends. We candidly ask for your grace. The storytelling team has worked tremendously hard these past few weeks to put together something that, in a very difficult time, will be a light and a happy memory for those of us who need it and, ideally, a platform for connecting with our pals when connection is really the thing we all need.

Thank your STs, be awesome to each other and your Game Masters (who include a number of heroic Guides who have volunteered to run games for you). Give yourself grace when you fumble with an unfamiliar ruleset and buy-in to the things your friends and peers want to do. 

We’re here to tell cool stories. Let’s never stop doing that together. 


-Shan and Aesa