The Consternation of Doctor Nichols

It’s Jonathan here with a special distraction from all of your last-minute packing for PYROCLASM!

Tonight, we have a brand new TEXT ADVENTURE from Lind Shanin, called "The Consternation of Doctor Nichols". This story takes place shortly before our game, and is from the perspective of one of the inhabitants of Killhouse on a particularly fateful night of the Indulgence.


This file is a .html file made with an app called Twine. The file opens in a browser and requires Javascript to view, so we recommend downloading the file, and opening it on a PC. We did this kind of file before for our Lonestar Skies events, and it will open on PC, Mac, or Android phones. If you have an iPhone, it will not load as it cannot recognize the file type. Sorry!

Click the link below, and enjoy! (I promise it’s not a malicious file.)

The Consternation of Doctor Nichols, a DR:TX Text Adventure by Shan Lind.

See you tomorrow!