DR:TX Sinker Summer Extra Special July event!


It’s a special Sinker Summer

For years the androgynous anchor of the Junkerpunk flotilla has been a mainstay of our maritime plot. From the weighty ballast of the Muddy Water Accords to the creaking construction of the Drywater docks, Admiral Sinker Swim’s tide has continually risen, and lifted with it those seaworthy Junkerpunks who have been willing to cast off the lines of societal obligation and live their lives wholly married to the sea.

It should be acknowledged though, that for every grog-soaked sailor who floats in their wake, there are equally as many jettisoned landsmen sunk by their acerbic tongue who litter the metaphorical shores of Bravado like so much flotsam swept up on shore. The citizens of the San Saba as a whole are woefully under-educated in the skills of swimming, sailing, and underwater salvage, and this disgusts our dear Admiral more than gull-poop in their rum (which at least has some brine-y character and flavor).

So now at the start of April, the teal-tressed terror of the waterways has come to Bravado with an offer! To celebrate the GRAND OPENING of the Redfield Boatel and Spa when the Burning Season descends, those who wish to improve their seafaring skills are invited to a special event we’re calling SINKER SUMMER.

This one day event will take place this summer through a partnership between DR:Texas and Schlitterbahn Waterparks and Resort in New Braunfels, Texas. Your Storytelling Senate is already coming up with a sensational list of custom content for this special event!

“Fuck yeah, look at my fish.”

Things you should know:

  • To register, you must find Sinker Swim in character and utter the words “I wanna ride your slippery slide!” You will then be given additional information on what your character must do to attend. (NOTE: this may count as a CVC action depending on inflection. Tread carefully.)

  • All ranged weapons must be water guns and you must maintain contact for at least one second to cause the usual 5 damage.

  • The Lazy River counts as a trophy room and you regain mind for every 30 minutes roleplaying drifting along its comforting currents.

  • Sailing Mods will be done hourly in the Kidzone Pirate Ship. If your character is a Bluejacket or has Master Sailing they are welcome to help run these mods. Contact info@dystopiarisingtx.com to indicate interest.

  • Our very own Shan Lind will be doing a Cicatrix blackbox Grave Mind scene for anyone who dies during this event. It will be held at the bottom of the diving pool. Scuba equipment recommended but not required.

  • We will give CAPs to anyone who creates and wears an in-character genre swimsuit.

  • Because this is a shorter event, NPC shifts will be one hour only and will be spent standing in line holding places for your fellow players, fetching refreshments, applying sunscreen, and helping to push them down the water slides.

  • Special GUEST STAR: Nemesis Davy Jones! It took a lot of wrangling, but we got one of the stunt doubles from the beloved Pirates of the Caribbean film series to stand in in full costume! While it won’t be Bill Nighy in person, we think you’ll still be impressed! If he catches you and says “part of the ship, part of the crew 1, part of the ship, part of the crew 2..” then you have to accompany him around attacking your friends.

    • Please do not shoot our guest star with water guns. The makeup and prosthetic budget is very expensive, and we want everyone to enjoy the show!

“That’s a big Leviathan…”

Dates are being finalized and will be announced soon!

Stay tuna-ed!