Summertime in May!

It’s Amber here with an Admin update about the next game: THE CICATRIX!

Spring feels like Summer in these parts, and DR:TX plans to give you all the summer fun things to cool you off and cool you down! We have several wet and wild options provided by the staff this May game and here is everything you need to know about them!

Remember, ticket sales close on FRIDAY so make sure you pre-reg and let us know you are coming to the event!

water events

We will have two unique events to watch out for in-game:

  • Splash Mods: These mods will have some avenue to get you wet, but only with water. This could be water balloons, water guns, a hose, a pool full of water, etc. The method of distribution might change, but there will still only be water on these mods. If you don’t want your kit (or blueprints!) to get wet, steer clear!

  • Splatter Mods: Splatter mods also intend to get you wet, but with goopy, weird avenues that aren’t just water. It could be Fake blood, dish soap, water-soluble lubricants, etc, but these mods can involve any people- and environmentally-safe liquid we could acquire. Splatter mods may also involve chunks of guts and gore, so if you are looking to distress your outfit it could be a good start!

As a special note for THE CICATRIX:

Activity with the Grave Mind has an Opt In Splatter Mod this game. If you don’t want to get this stuff on your kit we suggest bringing a spare change of black NPC wear you don’t mind getting… messy.  Turns out physically crawling into the Mortis Amaranthine is a bit gross. Who would have thought?

Splatter Mods will be labeled appropriately before you engage with them, Splash Mods will not.

pool access!

Also this year – and for the first time ever – we are excited to let you know that we have organized with Camp Kachina to have access to the POOL for designated swim time! That’s right, you can get that special Junkerpunk Summer Beach Episode you’ve always wanted! (NO JOKES THIS TIME!)

The POOL will be available Saturday afternoon from 1pm-4pm, so get your in-character swimsuits ready because this space will be in character and there could be combat! Remember, Anyport is in the Wasteland too!

Following the Pool Rules of Kachina listed below– we will introduce “splash balls” to the game which are soft water toys for ranged combat and it will be the only combat allowed within the pool area. Mechanics to come in a future Rules Ramble probably.

The Lifeguard can only supervise about 20 people in the space at a time and we might only have 1-2 Lifeguards, so we’re asking each of you to rotate your swim time in good faith so that everyone has a chance to swim. Just be kind, courteous, and aware so that your pals can also have fun!

The Lifeguard on Duty has full authority to ask you to leave the pool area if you are not following the Splash Ball, Kachina Rules, or are just being unsafe! We trust you all to respect the really great opportunity that Kachina has given us because we have a good working relationship with them; we know our players also value that relationship. 

Kachina’s Pool Rules

These will be posted at the pool area along with any other game mechanics we introduce.

  • No diving

  • Food not permitted

  • No glass bottles

  • Don’t hang on the rope

  • Walking around the pool only

  • Hair must be pulled back while in the pool

  • Generally no unsafe behavior (hanging on necks that will dunk another individual, breath holding games, etc.)

  • We also note that jumping into the shallow end is not permitted due to the fact that the shallow end goes from 2.5 feet to 4 feet and jumping into that shallow end will cause a lot of real life injury.

  • There are outdoor “showers” on the outside of the pool for people to rinse off really quick before entering the pool.

  • Currently, the pool bathrooms are for changing only – please DO NOT use the toilets 

  • There are chains that connect the rock wall to the fence….please do not go around/underneath the chains and behind the rock wall….for visibility and safety purposes, we keep the space directly behind the rock wall roped off.

  • We typically ask that people don’t swim under the ropes as well

If we have enough lifeguards we will also be able to supervise use of the Rock Wall, and here are the rules for that. 

  • We will set up a separate rope to mark off the rock wall area (so the pool will have 3 zones….shallow, deep, and rock wall).

  • One person at a time on the rock wall and in the rock wall zone. We do not want someone coming off the rock wall to land on another individual in the rock wall zone.

  • Please ONLY re-enter the pool feet first from the rock wall (do not push off the rock wall and attempt to flip, go head first, etc.)

Now that the fun Summer things are out of the way, let’s talk about the not fun things; the Texas Heat.

Summer Heat is SERIOUS

If you were at the April game you experienced how warm and humid it can get. We had a lot of people experience different stages of Heat Illness and we want to work together to prevent that. (This means YOU, Shan!)

Here is a poster from the CDC that can help you identify levels of heat illness and treat them appropriately.

This poster will be printed and located in major areas around the site.

It’s also important that you consult your prescribing physician about any medications you are taking – especially Psychiatric medicines – so you know their specific heat intolerance and water intake regulations as that might play a major role in preventing that. 

Other things to consider when joining us in the heat; make sure you are applying sunscreen regularly. We will be providing generic spray sunscreen for pool activities, but you will be responsible for your own for the rest of the event or if you have skin sensitivity! 

The back room of Kiva is always a good place to lay down and be cool if you get overheated. We will also have ice packs in both the freezer of Ops and Kiva. If you use them, please wipe them down with disinfectant wipe before putting them in. If you don’t want to use those, we will also have instant toss away ice packs in both the Med Room and Ops. Don’t be afraid to ask to use them! 

REMEMBER TO HYDRATE! Ops will also be providing Gatorade to drink and Electrolyte tabs if you need them, but make sure you’re sipping cool water when out in play! 

The DR:TX team is excited to bring you all of these cool things for our season closer, and we know that you’ll enjoy them all responsibility.  

See you in a few weeks, Vados!