Disease in Dystopia Rising

Good morning!

Today I'd like to talk about a sensitive topic and our upcoming November game, BLOOD FEAST. This is a bit of a CONTENT WARNING, so the goal is to get this information out as soon as possible so folks can make an informed decision about attending our upcoming event.

During the November game, we will be featuring themes, stories, and mechanics involving disease and searching for a cure for a disease.

Given the state of the global pandemic and the impact Covid-19 has had on us all, we understand that this topic isn't for everyone. Each of our lives have been impacted by this crisis and each person is dealing with this trauma in different ways. Our goal is not to minimize the impact of this disease nor it’s effect on our community, and as a person who has lost a family member to Covid-19, I empathize with anyone that has suffered loss during this pandemic.

The themes of Dystopia Rising often touch close to our real world in ways we cannot always avoid. In our tradition of radical trust, we want to also trust in each player that attends our game to know their own limits and be able to choose to avoid topics and situations that make them uncomfortable. Its one reason we take our OK Check-In system so seriously!

We will be providing options during our November game to “opt-out” of disease mechanics as much as possible (and even give those folks that are mechanically unaffected a way to be part of the story), but it WILL be present in ways that you will not always be able to avoid. Even the OK Check-In system may not be enough to avoid this topic during the November event. We’d like to give you advance warning that this content will be present so you can choose if you would still like to attend our event.

If you have already purchased a ticket for this event and would like a refund, please email

The zombie story is inherently tied to a story of disease. Most of the original zombie movies deal with a virus that spreads and infects the living. Movie like “Night of the Living Dead”, “21 Days Later” and games like “Resident Evil” deal with diseases mutating and changing folks into flesh-eating monsters. You could argue that the the zombie trope is really about about a “fear of disease” as an element of horror (though the argument of Romero on consumerism is still pretty spot on..). Regardless of the source, disease remains a big element of the genre and is ever present in anything that deals with the idea of zombies and the undead.

Mechanically speaking, in Dystopia Rising we have a character trait called “infection”, diseases like Bad Brain that are always present in the Tainted strain and can be spread by Raiders, Radiation Sickness that can be gained from exposure to certain types of irradiated Zed or radiation effects, an entire Lineage of Mutants that enjoys a Lineage advantage of disease resistance, and several items that exist in game to deal with the mechanics of disease exposure and inoculation. Functionally, disease is baked into the both the story of the game and it’s mechanics.

Even despite this connection to disease that is included in both the zombie genre and the mechanics of our game, we want to be respectful of this unique time and the content we tell. However, we want to give you a chance to explore agency in a world where you can actually do something about this type of problem. Our goal with the BLOOD FEAST event is to tell a story where you can be big damn heroes and deal with a problem by the end of the weekend. We’d like to tell a story of risk, zombies, survival horror, cannibalism, darkness, and yes, disease.

We hope that you will trust us to tell this story well, and we hope that you will choose to join us in November.

If you don’t join us in November, that’s perfectly fine! We will have other stories and other events for you to be a survivor of the zombie apocalypse, including our upcoming PREMIERE event in December.

Over the next weeks, I’ll cover a few of the mechanics and items that might be important for dealing with disease in my Rules Rambles, so stay tuned!

Returning to LARP in a Pandemic

how do?

We will be returning to live games in September (Event Schedule here).


; OR

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, until further notice, all participants at a Dystopia Rising: Texas (“DR:TX”) hosted event must meet one of the two conditions below:

  • Present a negative COVID-19 screening test result from the past 48 hours prior to each DR:TX event. (Tests are free and available from area pharmacies with results within 72 hours. See staff if you need assistance locating a testing location).

  • OR, in the event the above is not convenient or possible, participants may provide documentation of a completed course of COVID-19 Vaccination in lieu of a negative COVID test.

DRTX reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who does not meet either of the above conditions, or who fraudulently affirms either of the above. We also request that participants notify DR:TX should they later test positive or require quarantine for COVID-19 transmission within 14 days of each DR:TX event. Participants must comply with all reasonable requirements and requests made by event staff to prevent the transmission of disease during DR:TX events. Despite precautions, the risk of infection is never 0%. DR:TX Gamerunners and staff are not liable for exposure to, or transmission of, the COVID-19 virus during or after DR:TX events.

  • If you would like to pre-emptively email us proof of completed vaccination against COVID-19 you may do so by sending a photo, front and back, of your CDC issued vaccination card to

  • If you would prefer to wait until you attend game to show proof of screening or vaccination, please bring your test result, CDC vaccination card, or a high-resolution photo or scan of either, to event check-in. As a private business, we reserve the right to turn away anyone we feel has not offered sufficient proof of COVID safety. If you require assistance in retrieving your vaccination record, message and we are qualified to help you with that process.

  • The forgery of a government agency’s seal, such as the CDC logo, is a crime. Participating in or encouraging a crime within the purview of our game community will result in a ban from participating in DR:TX events indefinitely and may result in additional legal action.

  • We may require additional waivers and affidavits to be signed at your first game back that affirm compliance with our safety requirements and which acknowledge the intrinsic liability of LARPing during COVID. We may also require temperature checks at check-in, and other reasonable precautions that will help to ensure the safety of our players. If you have a concern regarding another player’s health and safety, please see a Gamerunner.

  • At this time, we will not be requiring the wearing of masks in our play spaces or social distancing, but you certainly still can choose to wear a mask/social distance yourself.

  • We do still require consent for any physical (aka non-boffer) contact between players. Now more than ever, check in before you hug, touch, or get very close to someone. If you need to carry someone, say ‘My character is carrying you. Do you consent to me touching you?’ or something similar.

  • We have always encouraged players to remove themselves from any situation that feels unsafe, for any reason. LARP can be an overwhelming experience even at the best of times. You are the only person who can know what you are able to emotionally, mentally, or physically handle. If you need to remove yourself from a scene or place, do so. You can put the OOC symbol up, speak to the Guide as needed, or just bow out. The medical room at the back of Kiva/The General Store is open at all times for people who need a place to decompress or recover.

Shared Spaces

We are a community that LARPs together. The responsibility to prevent the spread of any disease rests with each of us. To that end:

  • Don’t come to game if you don’t feel well, or have recently been exposed to someone who is ill.

  • To your comfort level, we encourage you to bunk with your household or quarantine pod. We have many open-air cabins available, though the Texas climate means we will still have indoor and weatherized cabins available as well.

  • Take reasonable hygiene precautions including washing hands and showering. Uh, keep your fluids to yourself.

  • Use and discard makeup applicators instead of touching makeup sticks directly. We will keep many extra foam wedges and plates at our makeup station in Ops. We will be using more makeup that you can dispense onto a separate palette (liquid colors etc) instead of the mehron sticks.

  • Bring your own tattered zed and dark colored NPC clothing for NPC shift if you can! We will allow the substitution of your own post-apoc clothing for our simplest NPC roles to prevent unnecessary clothing swapping. We also will be washing soiled clothing throughout the weekend.

  • We will be increasing the frequency and method of cleaning and laundering NPC supplies and communal areas. This will be overseen by the Logistics Director, our Admin Assistant, and our Ops and Settings Guides each shift. Part of early cleanup and special NPC shifts will be to help with this process.

  • As previously, a food handler’s certificate is required to use the industrial kitchen inside of Ops. Otherwise we do not require it to use the cabin kitchenettes or to make food on site elsewhere.

Item Cards and Expiration Dates

  • Players can cash out their virtual inventories when they pre-register or check-in for our live events. Where possible, we will have these prepared in advance but due to the time-intensiveness of this task, staff will work with players to provide reasonable access to their inventories in a timely fashion.

  • Any item created from 09/2019 - 02/2020 will have 18 months added on to the original expiration. You do not need to bring the card to staff in DR:TX to be rewritten, it is just extended automatically.

Original Expiration











New Expiration











  • Any item created from 03/2020 - 08/2021 will enter play as though it was created in 09/2021 and any relevant expiration calculated from that date.

Frequently asked questions

  • I haven’t played any 3.0 games at all! How do I convert my character and cash in my 2.0 stuff?

  • Can I rewrite my character?

    • If you have not converted your character from 2.0 > 3.0 yet, or are a Texas player with less than 3 attended 3.0 live games you are eligible for a rewrite. If you're not sure if that's you, or if you are looking to change your build due to a significant rules change, then message me and we'll sort out if you're eligible for that reason. If in doubt, go ahead and email!

  • I would like to apply for a Professional Focus Achievement! How can I do this?

    • If you are looking for personal plot, like a Professional Focus Achievement or other story-oriented plot, this is the form to use. We work our way down the list and do a half dozen or so PFA trials every event, but it still may be a few games before we get to you. For this reason, we request that you allow for a cool-down between personal plot requests of 4 months.

  • Are you looking for Guides/ST’s?

  • Are y’all (the Gamerunners) gonna drive around Texas the way you did before 3.0, helping people convert their stuff?

    • I’ll be real, my soul has not yet recovered from doing that last year.. so there isn’t a plan for a roadtrip this year, but there will be a way to request your virtual inventory to be cashed out when we put registration up in August for our September event! And for your older items, the section above goes over how we’re handling that time gap.

  • When do tickets go live for September?

    • Currently Ticket Sales and Pre-reg for our September 24-26th Event will open on Monday, August 30th, 2021! Pre-reg will close at midnight Friday, September 17th to give us time to prepare character sheets and materials. The sooner you pre-reg the more likely we’ll have your virtual inventories ready for pickup at check-in!

  • Can I back-buy DR:TX events?

    • Yes! If you are a DR:TX-based player, you can backbuy the 3.0 and virtual events you missed, along with any extra XP we offered! If you are a traveler, you can buy up the extra XP for any event you held a ticket for. Email us to find out what you’re eligible for.

  • What is the Event Schedule for this coming season?

  • Can I smoke/vape on site?

    • Our site is a non-smoking campus. Players cannot smoke cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or charcoal hookahs while on the camp grounds, which includes the parking lot. Players are able to smoke if the means is electronic, such as a vape or an electronic hookah.

  • I want to transfer to Texas (or another chapter!) How do?

    • Email us and we’ll get in contact with the originating/target chapter and get it sorted out!

  • If I transfer do I lose my stuff?

    • Not anymore! But just keep in mind that all your characters are based out of a single chapter now instead of multiple chapters, so whatever chapter you pick is yours for all your characters for the purposes of XP progression etc.

  • How do you plan to balance the resource advantage from Virtual events versus that of players who didn’t/couldn’t participate online?

    • Great question! On the one hand we do want to appreciate those players that stuck around to support DR:TX through the pandemic! On the other hand we don’t want anyone to feel out of the loop/left behind! We have a bunch of ideas the Storytelling Senate is working on for resource sinks that provide fun for everyone through plot and story, as well as improving the status of the town as a whole. You’ll see a lot of that as ZOMs and mechanics as we get closer to our Fall Events.

  • This is all logistics crap. I want a story/gameplay update!

  • I have a question you didn’t answer!/How do I contact staff again?

Virtual Events (slightly more info!)

Howdy Survivors!

Some of you have been absolutely overwhelmed by current events (super reasonable), while others have been patiently but enthusiastically asking about our plans for virtual events. Frankly, we've been rewriting the playbook behind the scenes, with our wonderful storytellers putting in a lot of time figuring out what our DR:TX online events will look like and how we can make it fun for y'all.

There have been some things that take more time to iron out, such as a fair cost for these events, how to accommodate the one-on-one interactions and staff attention required, what to do about items/resources, and more.

Kyle's post here goes into a bit of the details we have ironed out, and as soon as we have cleared the new legal paperwork, you will see more information about our event(s) specifically.

Our goal is the following:

  • to hold a virtual event online through discord on April 11th.

  • to put up sales for tickets by the end of this week.

  • to not cap attendance or restrict traveler participation.

Additionally, we will have back-buy/XP-buy for all our 3.0 events in our online store starting April 1st, so for those of you who wanted to do that, you will be able to do so!

We do regret to inform you, although it was pretty easy to predict at this point, that the Girl Scouts of Texas have chosen to keep their sites closed through May 19th which means we will not be holding in-person events through the end of our usual season. Trust us when we say that this makes us sad, not at GSCTX, but because we miss you all and we know the hope of a May game was still alive for some of you. We're not sure yet what this means for our usual summer break, but we will make those decisions in the next few weeks.

Thank you, as always, for being an amazingly supportive, creative, and kind community. It’s hard in stressful times not to feel overwhelmed, impatient, or frustrated. We appreciate that this is a place where we can recharge ourselves, and find joy in creating and sharing stories with each other. We will find new and improved ways to do so as we surge forward together.


March Event XP + Future Tickets

Howdy Survivors!!

After talking to DR: National we are pleased to say that for those of you who have paid for March tickets and still want that build to be applied to your character, we will be able to keep that build on your account. This applies to travelers as well.

  • Even though we were not able to hold or reschedule this event we will still be able to keep this event on the books for the purpose of back-buy/XP purchases. This will be the default option.

  • If instead, you would rather roll your ticket purchase to our next held event, please email us at and we can do that as well. It is our intention to hold virtual online events in April and May (and possibly in the summer) to make up for the current restrictions placed by the CDC on gatherings above 50+ people. This would apply your ticket to one of those events should you participate.

  • Finally, if you would rather get a cash refund, we will be happy to accommodate you. Again, if that’s your preference, please email us so we can get that process started. Because we will need to balance our books for tax/franchise purposes, please let us know what you want to do no later than April 1st if you are not taking the default option (March build applied).

We did have some non-refundable expenses in the lead up to this event but we promise to do our best to make sure each of our players feels they received good value for their ticket according to what you each prefer.

Keep an eye on this blog and our Facebook Group and Page for further updates as we adjust to the needs of our community and what future events will look like with current restrictions.

March Updates

Hello friends! A few updates.

COVID-19 and DR:TX

Currently it is our intention to still hold game and if that changes we will let you know asap. We do encourage those who feel they are at risk or immunocompromised to use their own best judgement for their health and safety. Anyone who wants to change their ticket to a non-attending ticket should contact us so we can re-do your check-in. is the email. If you checked in without a ticket and decide not to come, let us know so we can take you off your NPC shift.

We have checked with the campsite to ensure lots of soap is on hand in the bathrooms. We have ordered extra makeup wipes, makeup, and applicators so that we will be able to prevent cross contamination. Here are a few things you can do to help yourself reduce the risk of getting sick:

  • 30-60 seconds of hand washing with soap anytime you may have been exposed to contaminated surfaces like door handles, bathrooms, etc.

  • Don't share things that have been in/on other people's mouths or faces. Like cups, food, makeup wipes, etc. Please get a new makeup applicator or wedge instead of double-dipping. We ordered extra for this purpose! If we run low, let staff know and we'll go buy more.

  • We'll have some multi-surface cleaner in ops for wiping down weapon handles and masks at the end of each shift.

  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Bring your own hand sanitizer but still use soap regularly as it's more effective. Try and keep from touching your own face or mouth as much as possible.

  • If you are feeling crummy and decide to leave, let us know.

  • Shower, eat, and sleep regularly so that you are well rested. LARP can tank immune systems when we stop taking care of ourselves. Please be smart about overextending your body's reserves. Shower to prevent becoming human viral soup in your costuming.

  • Even with novel coronavirus going around, our good old friends the regular cold, sinus infections, and allergies are still around too. Let's respond reasonably to folks who happen to sneeze once in a while ;)

XP Buy Up and Back Buy

Those of you involved in the larger DR community have probably already read this blog update from Kyle (the owner of Dystopia Rising franchise).

Basically, 3.0 now supports additional XP purchases and event buyback retroactive to the start of 3.0 (Sept 2019).

Beginning in April, players will be able to check-in with additional XP online. We have added the XP buy up option to our online storefront to go live when tickets for April go on sale next Tuesday at 1pm. You can also purchase extra XP at the door on site starting at our April event.


  • You can only purchase extra XP for an event you have already purchased a ticket for.

  • You can only purchase extra XP for travel events you attended. Contact each chapter to arrange payment directly, not through DR:TX.

  • If you are backbuying XP, just email us directly so we can send you a custom invoice total. That email is

Reminder of Game Schedule

This is your reminder that we moved up our start time on Fridays!

  • Gates open at 3pm

  • Pre-reg opens at 4pm

  • Reg line opens at 5pm

  • New Player Guides are on hand starting at 6pm in the breezeway off of the Kitchen

  • Announcements are outside of Ops/Dining Hall at 7pm

  • Game on, first NPC shift, and New Player mod all start at 8pm

Everything else should be the same overall. See a guide if you have questions!