San Saba Trade Network

The Railroad Conglomerate (RRC) has become the seat of geographic, technological, and financial power in the San Saba Territories and leverages that power to fulfill their objectives. Although The Chair is the legal and contracted owner of the RRC, the day to day operations are left to its C.E.O. Felicity Redfield and C.O.O. Dr. Stewart. The RRC is headquartered in Waking. The central project of the RRC is the expansion of the Oxline, a rail network that connects the Lone Star and, increasingly, the rest of the Wastes. As “safer” travel options connect the settlements together, the world seems to grow closer every day under the ceaseless logistics of expansion. With each rail, tie, and spike placed, the RRC brings new resources and connections into the sleepy town of Bravado Station.

Local Plot Items from any participating San Saba Trade Network settlement are generally approved for use in connected settlements. These settlements agree to trade with the San Saba, and gain access to supplies, blueprints, and materials from the Lone Star. In return, the RRC continues the expansion of it’s Oxline network towards your settlement, linking the wastes ever closer by rail.

We have several linked games that are part of this in-game and out-of-game network, in addition to the other in-character settlements in the San Saba:

  • Bravado (DR:TX)

  • Verdigrift Gardens (DR: OK)

  • Luxury (DR:PA)

  • Mourning Glory (DR:MI)

  • Oasis (DR:NM)

If you would like to have your local game considered for part of the San Saba Trade Network, ask your directors to send an email to

In addition to the standard buylists for Criminal Influence, Trade Connections, and Sailing, in Bravado the Public Works Office has additional Buylists available. These produce “San Saba Sundries”, “San Saba Social ZOMs”, and “San Saba Keystones” items, local plot items that generally last a few months. Some require Basic, Proficient, or Master level Society Memberships with DR:TX Factions, but other items are more universally available.

While traveling characters won’t have access to Master Society Memberships unless you are a frequent guest, you can earn a Basic Society Membership with a faction of your choice by completing a Contractor Work Order in game. This will allow you access to both the Sundries and the use of the San Saba Socials other players put into play.