Within a faction, those that simply hold a contract and Basic Society Membership are known as Contractors. Those that show particular loyalty to a faction may earn Proficient Society Membership and the Stakeholder title by performing jobs for that faction and proving their loyalty. Those that prove themselves above and beyond the terms of their contracts may eventually gain the perks of the Trustee title and Master Society Membership. The exact names of these ranks within each faction may differ, but the benefits are similar.

While the San Saba Board is tasked with day-to-day decisions, each year the Stakeholders of the various factions are given a chance to voice their interests in the Stakeholder’s Meeting. During this event, new laws can be considered for addition to the charter, new factions may seek entry to the Board, and major decisions can be weighed by the populace.  Only those that hold a Contract may participate.


Those that have committed themselves to the various factions of the San Saba find that their voices have more weight during the annual Stakeholder’s Meeting.  During this time, even the common contractor can have their voice heard by the Board.

During the Stakeholder’s Meeting, any character with a SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP in one of the San Saba Factions (not counting Red Ledger or Murder Inc.) may vote on the new laws and amendments that have been submitted by the Board.  

Each character may vote ONCE (and once only), and their vote counts according to one of their levels of SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP.  Extras and SCs may also count their votes towards this election.

  • Basic Society Membership (1 vote)

  • Proficient Society Membership (2 votes)

  • Master Society Membership (5 votes)

You may vote on each amendment with either a YAY or NAY vote.  Sufficient votes in favor or against an amendment can sway the opinion of the San Saba Board on the measure.

Votes will be tallied Sunday morning before the end of the event.